From a young, scruffy Russian immigrant living on the streets of New York City to one of the greatest songwriters in history, publishing over 1500 songs, hear those beautiful songs this musical genius gave us and his life experiences behind them.
Here’s what people are saying about this show….
“WHAT A GRAND NIGHT IT WAS!!! So glad to see the place overflowing with an enthusiastic audience that could not help but join in on so many recognizable tunes. I loved watching you emotionally telling the back story – making the lyrics come alive. You are much more than a singer – you are an entertainer and a story teller!”….. Afton In Action
“You gave a masterclass performance. You taught us about Irving Berlin’s life with its many trials and triumphs, and the history behind many of his songs, all done with emotion and musicality. Your talent knows no bounds! Sublime was our experience”…… Michele Newsum
“Best show I’ve seen in a long time! You were fantastic!”…… Carol Schmalfeld Riseling
“The story of Berlin’s life enthralled us and made each song even more memorable if that is possible. Your singing opened our hearts and joy poured out of us like sunshine filling the room, and filling those listening to you with a happy glow that only heartfelt music can achieve.
Thank you, Jennifer Hart. You are a beautiful woman creating beauty from your fingers on the piano and with your lovely voice in song. You made love to us last night and we, to a person, cannot help but love you right back. Music of the heart (Hart) lifts our spirits and that energy flows into the world adding more love and more joy to the vibratory frequency of our habitat; a world desperately in need of love and joy”…. Vashti Cherun
“Thank you so much for taking us on a wonderful magical journey last night. Your skill at weaving all the life stories and songs together was soooo impressive. And of course your delivery for each genre was right on. I didn’t want it to end.”…… Angie